
A Taste of Purrr: Loading Multiple files in R

Read in muliple files into R without writing separate code for each.

Stats Cheat Sheet: Summary Functions

Tips, Tricks and Reminders for those of us who struggle to remember what our professors/Google taught us: Functions to summarise your data

Common Table Expressions in SQL

What are common table expressions and how can we use them to simplify SQL queries?

Got Git?

Git is an amazing way to have version control on your projects, but can be very difficult to understand and implement. I’m going to do my best layout the simplest start to saving your work with git.

Group by and Mutate Fun

Tricks and Tips in dplyr and data.table: Using Group By and Mutate Together

Joins in Data.Table

An introduction to joins using the data.table package in R!

Regular Expressions: Look Arounds

Learn how to use look arounds and regular expressions to clean data and parse strings

Column to Rows in Dplyr

Details and examples on separating data in dplyr

Display Jupyter Notebooks with Academic

Learn how to blog in Academic using Jupyter notebooks
Display Jupyter Notebooks with Academic