Welcome to Debugging Data: a blog focusing on addressing common questions and providing tricks and tips for projects in R, SQL and other languages.

Three years ago, Amy & Nellie graduated from UCLA and started working at the same consulting firm in LA. Fast forward to today and although they now work at different firms and on different types of projects they still enjoy learning new tricks and sharing tips in multiple programming languages. The goal for Debugging Data is to help everyone from beginners to advanced programmers so thanks for being here!

All Posts

Add math to your R with LaTeX

You may want to incorporate math functions into your R markdown output, whether that be just a set of math questions, math symbols, or add equations to plots.

Stuff Function in SQL

The stuff function in SQL Server is probably one of my favorite functions I’ve worked with simply because of its name. The first time I heard of it I thought my collegue forgot the name of the function they used and said “stuff” as a placeholder.

R Posts

Add math to your R with LaTeX

You may want to incorporate math functions into your R markdown output, whether that be just a set of math questions, math symbols, or add equations to plots.

Using R to Program in SQL

BOGO Writing SQL and updating SQL databases in R

SQL Posts

Stuff Function in SQL

The stuff function in SQL Server is probably one of my favorite functions I’ve worked with simply because of its name. The first time I heard of it I thought my collegue forgot the name of the function they used and said “stuff” as a placeholder.

Using R to Program in SQL

BOGO Writing SQL and updating SQL databases in R

Other Posts

Basics with Bash

In most cases, we can rely on R, Python or another programming language to clean and organize our data. In some instances, we may also need to utilize an OCR software or manual updates to prepare data for analysis.

Stats Cheat Sheet: Normal Distributions

Tips, Tricks and Reminders for those of us who struggle to remember what our professors/Google taught us: Normal Distributions

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